Do you wish you could understand what's going on behind the behaviour, and what your child is trying to communicate to you?
Often, the problem comes down to unseen demands.
The fridge purring, the clock ticking... simple everyday things we don't even notice can cause sensory overload. On the wrong day, this leads to an explosion.
For a calmer home and improved sibling relationships we have three incredible webinars just for you.
They will give you what you need to better support your PDAer.
The Speakers
Corrina Wood
Corrina is an independent consultant and trainer working within the field of neurodiversity. She also has a wealth of experience as a mum of three girls, all of whom are neuro-diverse and is well versed in managing and balancing relationships within the home. Corrina is a highly experienced trainer within a support programme that helps families with children that are neuro diverse.
Tigger Pritchard
Tigger has a wealth of knowledge with over 30 years of professional and personal experience. Working alongside, learning from and advocating for neuro-divergent individuals. In many different ways: support worker, advocate, teacher, facilitator, trainer, manager, lecturer and friend, it's been a long journey, one that he is still traveling and learning on, personally and professionally.